

Posted on Jan 14, 2021 by Macro Mike

And just like that, life as we know it has changed. We know almost all of you worldwide are going through tough times and major life changes, so we want to help you all as much as we can! Let’s keep the Macro Mike community spirit alive and reach out to each other more than ever during this time of need. For those of you adjusting to working from home, we know it can be tricky! You may feel lonely, distracted, unmotivated, confused and you may even be tempted to eat all the contents of the pantry in a day…we feel ya! Here are our ultimate working from home tips to make sure you guys stay healthy, happy and productive!

Setting up the ultimate home office

First thing’s first…you need a workspace! Sitting in your bed on your laptop may seem fun at first, but it’s not the healthiest or most productive choice in the long run. What you need to do is set up a specific work zone that separates, as best possible, home life from work life. This means that you can draw a clear line between when you need to be in the focused work zone and when you need to rest and reset, this will ensure maximum productivity and also avoid burnout.

Here’s what we recommend for a healthy home workspace:

  • A clean organised environment
  • A comfortable chair for good posture or even a yoga ball instead
  • Plants for some air cleansing properties and natural good vibes
  • Healthy snacks on hand – always! Some of our faves are Macro Mike Protein Bars, or baked donuts and cookies.
  • An oil diffuser to release some of your favourite scents or a candle A bottle or big glass of water to stay hydrated all day long – add some Super Greens for detoxifying and cleansing properties.

Be close to a window where you can look out and see sunshine!

Play some good music

Morning routine

For every human, in any form of job or living situation, a healthy morning routine is KEY! What it does is set you up for success for the rest of the day. Shifting to this new working from home situation means many of you will have to change what was previously working for you, but don’t deviate far from it! If anything, it is a chance to improve it. Instead of commuting in a car or on the bus, use that time to go for a walk, do a mini workout or make a slow nourishing breakfast (helloooo pancakes). The temptation can be there to sleep in and roll out of bed in your pjs straight to your laptop or desk, but it won’t help you in the long run, so get freshened up and get dressed (pants optional)! Try and make a clear divide between chill time and when you start your workday.

Reward yourself

Yes, we know it may sound silly…we’re not dogs after all! But setting goals and rewarding yourself really works. It can be a simple thing like: “If I manage to empty my email inbox, I can go for a 15 minute walk around the block”, or “if I manage to finish a specific task or assignment I can go make a cup of tea and have a cookie”. A Macro Mike cookie of course! :P Set little targets for the day and tick them off as you go for a sense of accomplishment and to fuel productivity. Be sure to take regular breaks to fill your day with some fun, healthy snacks and sunshine! Now more than ever, is the time to look after your physical and mental heathy, so plan activities each day to assist with that.


Have an end of day ritual
Choose a little ritual to do at the end of each day to switch you out of work mode and into home life mode. This will ensure you take care of your mental health by giving you time rest, reset and have some FUN! Pick something that helps your brain shift gear into home/fun/relaxation time - whatever works for you! Here are some ideas to switch off from work:

  • Go for a walk or run
  • Do a home workout
  • Play with your dog
  • Turn off your computer
  • Turn music on and have a dance around your home
  • Do a meditation
  • Do a house task like turn a load of washing on or vacuum the floors
  • Call a friend
  • Cook dinner or bake some snacks 

Most importantly, take care of your health and be kind to yourself as you adapt to this new phase. We're always on Instagram DMs if you want to send us a message and have a chat! And remember to tag us in all your healthy snacks and Macro Mike recipes! We're all in this together :)