The market was saturated with brands replicating each other and fighting for shelf space in-store or cart space online
selling almost identical products. It was considered crazy to even attempt something in the health and fitness industry these days, but Mike trusted his vision,
found his tribe and had faith that the product would speak for itself.
Plant based products, which are often blended and packed by the same manufacturers,
had almost identical ingredients, texture and taste. Mike saw the common denominator of customer feedback in plant-based/vegan protein was a chalky, sandy,
unappealing texture with bland un-inspiring flavours. He searched and searched for a protein that was smooth, creamy, delicious and on par with dairy based proteins,
however it didn't exist. It seemed that every time someone spoke about 'The best vegan protein' it was always paired with "It tastes good... for a vegan protein."
Mike wanted to change this and refused to spend ridiculous amounts of money on overpriced bags of terrible tasting product.
He decided he was going to make the best tasting vegan protein in the damn UNIVERSE.
Now, Macro Mike has a massive range of Baking Mixes, Powdered Peanut Butter flavours, Protein Powder flavours, Protein Bars,
and Ready To Eat Snacks, with a scope that's rapidly growing and constantly evolving (i.e. limited-edition holiday flavours!). We're setting the gold standard in gluten-free, dairy-free,
and vegan protein, snacks and supplements.
We use 100% natural, GMO-free ingredients, with no refined sugars, artificial colours or flavours.
We’re pioneering a new level of food groups that are ‘Macro Friendly’ (meaning nutritionally balanced).
People from all walks of life enjoy our goodies, from parents feeding their kids healthy sugar-free treats,
to bodybuilders bulking up for big lifts, to vegans sick of eating sandy protein and flavourless baking.
Macro Mike is helping the vegan industry overcome the stigma of bland tasting products, all while taking on the supplements
industry traditionally full of nasty chemicals.
In the first 3 years of Macro Mike, Mike took his small brownie business from the spare room of his tiny apartment to where we are today.
We’re in the heart of the Gold Coast with a state-of-the-art production facility and on site storage and shipping warehouse.
Macro Mike is now in over 1000 of the biggest health food and supplement stores across Australia.
It has been absolutely unreal hearing all the people’s lives we’ve touched and helped to better. People have finally been able to enjoy delicious
whole foods after years of dealing with allergies and intolerances that wouldn’t let them and just helped people find a new love for baking - because it’s so easy!
Mike’s story is one beaming with resilience and the power of self-belief. His set-backs, trials and tribulations provide
gems of wisdom for any aspiring entrepreneur. With business and entrepreneur awards stacking up, the growth of the business is undeniable.
Here’s a few we’re really proud of:
- Gold Coast Business Awards – Winner 2019 for Emerging Business
- National Australian Small Business Champion Awards - Winner 2019 for Young Small Business Champion Entrepreneur
- Gold Coast Business Excellence Awards – September 2018 Winner for Health & Fitness
- Gold Coast Young Entrepreneur of the Year - 2018 Winner for Start-Up Business
- National Optus My Business Awards – 2018/19 Finalist for Start-up Business of the Year
- National Optus My Business Awards – 2019 Finalist for Young Business Leader of the Year
- National Australia Post ORIAS – 2018/19 Finalist for Customers Choice Awards
- National Australia Post ORIAS – 2018/19 Finalist for Retailer of the Year Award (6th of 1100 companies)
Macro Mike has built a genuine online following and the tribe has expanded to
thousands of loyal customers. Our Instagram handle is @macr0mike where we invite you to join the community we've created and enjoy the amazing free
content and recipes we share daily. You can also find us giving out free samples at some of Australia’s biggest health and fitness trade shows
nationwide, like the Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Show in Melbourne with over 70,000 visitors each year.
"We’ve held our own against some of the biggest names in the industry and
received exponential growth from our presence and success at some of the biggest and most prestigious health and fitness events in the world,
leaving many in the industry scratching their heads wondering how we do it”.
Mike continues to innovate towards expanding the Macro Mike range and some exciting
new projects set to launch in early 2020.